1|在欉紅 About Red on Tree


Red on Tree(レッドオンツリー)は、台湾語の「在欉紅(tsāi-tsâng-âng)」という言葉に由来しています。この言葉は、果実が枝の上で完全に熟した状態で収穫された時の、格別な美味しさを表現しています。しかし、市場で「在欉紅」の果実を購入する機会はほとんどありません。輸送や保存の問題から、多くの業者は収穫時にまだ半熟の果実を購入し、必要に応じて人工的に追熟させるためです。Red on Treeは、台湾の豊富な果物の種類を広めるために設立され、「在欉紅」の果物の甘さと香りをジャム、フルーツパテ、デザート、ジェラートにして、皆様にお届けしています。

The name Red on Tree comes from the taiwanese phrase “tsāi-tsâng-âng”, describing the extraordinarily savory taste of fruit when it is harvested from its bearing branch at the fully ripe stage; however, there is not much chance of buying “tsāi-tsâng-âng” fruit from the market, due to transportation and storage difficulties, most vendors prefer to purchase half-ripe fruit from the farm and artificially ripen them if necessary.

Red on Tree was founded to promote the abundant varieties of fruit in Taiwan, and to share the sweetness and fragrance of the “tsāi-tsâng-âng” fruit by making them into jams, pates de fruits, desserts and gelato.


2|嚴選果材 The Strict Selection of Fruit



Taiwan is known as “The Fruit Kingdom” for the bountiful varieties of fruit that grows year-round, lots of farmers have selectively bred fruit to be bigger and sweeter, in order to thrive in such a competitive market; however, when it comes to jam making, only the ones with rich fragrance and perfect taste can be made into artisan jam. We have been seeking high and low through every nook and corner of Taiwan for years only to find the finest fruit.


3|與時間搶快 The Jam Making Symphony



Jam making is like a symphony, the music begins with an adagio of harvest waiting, then it comes the allegro part—fruit processing, where we wash, peel, slice, and sugar cure the fruit before boiling them; in order to capture the taste and aroma of fruit at its freshest state, we always process them the second the freshly harvested fruit arrives.  After the boiling jam reaches its setting point, a few drops of lemon juice are added to brighten up the flavor, then the jam is ready to be filled into jars, waiting to enchant people with its alluring scent and savory taste.

4|職人精神 The Spirit of Artisan



We embodied the spirit of artisan—pursuing perfection and the mastery of technique, and has the obligation to work one’s utmost for the general welfare of people— in our products, work, and attitude; we have visited every inch of Taiwan, been to numerous farm, tasted various breeds of fruits, and adjusted our recipes for countless times, just to present the beauty and uniqueness that lies in the fruit of Taiwan to all of you.
